Turner, Karen and Figus, Gioele and Lecca, Patrizio and Swales, Kim (2016) Reducing rebound with out sacrificing macroeconomic advantages of elevated power effectivity. Figus, Gioele and Lisenkova, Katerina and McGregor, Peter and Roy, Graeme and Swales, Kim (2017) The Long-term Economic Implications of Brexit for Scotland : an Interregional Analysis. Figus, Gioele and Lisenkova, Katerina and McGregor, Peter and Roy, Graeme and Swales, Kim (2018) The long-term economic implications of Brexit for Scotland : an interregional evaluation. Hermannsson, Kristinn and Lisenkova, Katerina and Lecca, Patrizio and McGregor, Peter G and Swales, J Kim (2017) The exterior benefits of higher education. Roy, Graeme and Eiser, David and Lisenkova, Katerina (2016) Scotland’s Budget 2016. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. McIntyre, Stuart and Roy, Graeme (2016) Devolution and the UK Economy, edited by David Bailey and Leslie Budd. Black, James and McIntyre, Stuart (2017) Economic Impact of the Proposed Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm. Fraser of Allander Institute, Scottish Centre for Employment Research; Findlay, Patricia and McIntyre, Stuart and Roy, Graeme and Allan, Grant. Roy, Graeme and Malloy, Eleanor and Allan, Grant (2016) Fraser of Allander Business Survey : First Reactions to EU Referendum Outcome. Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, 41 (2). pp.

Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, forty two (1). pp. Ross, Andrew and Murray, Anna and Roy, Graeme and Black, James and McGregor, Peter and Malloy, Eleanor, Fraser of Allander Institute , ed. Black, James and Roy, Graeme (2017) Brexit and the Sectors of the Scottish Economy : A Report for GMB Scotland. Fraser of Allander Institute; (2017) Fiscal Issues Facing Local Government in Scotland : a Final Report for the Scottish Local Government Partnership, March 2017. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Fraser of Allander Institute; (2017) The Economic Contribution of the Pharmaceutical Sector in Scotland. 2017) Scotland’s Budget Report 2017. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Hamilton, Neil and Richmond, Kenny and Kane, Kevin (2017) Performance of Scotland’s small and medium sized companies (SME’s) : insights from the Small Business Survey 2016. Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, 41 (3). pp. Ireland, John and Spowage, Mairi and Kane, Kevin (2017) The Scottish Fiscal Commission : looking ahead to our first forecasts. April, 2011: Coming off a actually wonderful first quarter of 2011, we are looking forward most enthusiastically to the start of the brand new “regular” season.

Eiser, David (2017) A primer on the Scottish Parliament’s new fiscal powers : what are they, how will they work, and what are the challenges? Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, forty one (2). pp. Turner, Karen and Figus, Gioele and McGregor, Peter and Katris, Antonios (2017) Making the case for supporting broad vitality efficiency programmes : impacts on family incomes and different financial benefits. Allan, Grant and Malloy, Eleanor (2017) The transition to a low carbon vitality system : insights on the role of the oil and gas sector. Richmond, Kenny and Turnbull, Jennifer (2017) Business funding performance in Scotland. Alabi, Oluwafisayo Titilope and Turner, Karen and Allan, Grant and Swales, Kim (2017) Examining the nature and construction of an area pollutant: An illustrative case of physical waste technology in Scotland utilizing environmental enter-output accounting methods. Alabi, Oluwafisayo and Turner, Karen and Allan, Grant and Swales, Kim and Mcgregor, Peter (2017) Reconsidering the economic system-broad implications of incorporating the resource prices of waste administration in Scottish input-output accounts.

Figus, Gioele and Swales, J Kim and Turner, Karen (2017) Can a reduction in Fuel Use Result from an Endogenous Technical Progress in Motor Vehicles? A Partial and General Equilibrium Analysis. Findlay, Jeanette and Thomas, Dania (2017) Scottish ferry services’ procurement, put up-Brexit : challenge or opportunity? Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, forty one (1). pp. Sherry, Alan (2016) Widening participation or reinforcing privilege in Scottish larger schooling? Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, 39 (3). pp. Roy, Graeme and Goudie, Andrew (2016) Brexit – What Next for Scotland’s Strategy. Darby, Julia and Roy, Graeme (2017) Political Uncertainty and Stock Market Volatility : New Evidence From the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum. Peat, Jeremy and Grice, Paul and Gardner, Caroline and Johnson, Paul and Roy, Graeme and Perman, Ray (2016) Minding 바카라사이트추천 Scotland’s Money : Economic Governance for an Increasingly Devolved Scotland. Hopkins, Paul and Richmond, Kenny (2016) Fast-growth companies in Scotland. Eiser, David (2018) Social mobility and the intergenerational switch of benefit in labour and housing markets in Scotland : some preliminary analyses. Figus, Gioele and Swales, J. Kim and Turner, Karen (2018) Can private motorcar-augmenting technical progress reduce household and complete gas use? Ecological Economics, 146. pp. Katris, Antonios and Calvillo-Muñoz, Christian and Figus, Gioele and Riddoch, Fiona and Turner, Karen and McGregor, Peter and Lecca, Patrizio and Swales, Kim (2017) Workshop on Linking CGE and Times Models : Lessons Learned and Next Steps.

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